Related paintings
Mottled landscape (1924)
Martiros Saryan
Steppe flowers (1909)
Martiros Saryan
Flowers of Sambek (1914)
Martiros Saryan
Mount Ararat, 1989.
Henrik Siravyan
Mount Abul near Akhalkalaki
Martiros Saryan
The curtain of the State Drama Theater of Armenia (1923)
Martiros Saryan
Poppy Flowers
Martiros Saryan
Self-portrait (1909)
Martiros Saryan
Flowers of the East
Martiros Saryan
Martiros Saryan
Martiros Saryan
Portrait of Academician Josef Orbeli (1943)
Martiros Saryan
By sea
Martiros Saryan
Mount Yeranos, 1990
Henrik Siravyan
Martiros Saryan